Whether looking to reinvent yourself or your business, take on a quantum leap project or find simple solutions to seemingly complex problems, my aim is to help you find more balance, success, peace and income.

I will help you get and stay on track in your life, family and/or business by providing the knowledge, tools and encouragement you need to achieve your potential.

I am an experienced coach and therapist with a deep background in human behavior, organizational dynamics and business, helping small businesses and individuals maximize performance, eliminate obstacles and achieve success.


Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft, once said, “Everybody needs a coach. It doesn’t matter if you are a basketball player, a gymnast, or a bridge player. We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”

Sometimes that improvement isn’t just about doing more, faster, bigger or better but about finding life balance or improving relationships with loved ones or unleashing our creativity or finding peace within ourselves. A coach is a joint problem-solver, challenger and someone to hold you accountable for achieving what you want personally and/or professionally.


Therapy, also known as talk therapy or psychotherapy, is a form of treatment aimed at relieving emotional distress and mental health problems. There are different types of therapy but all are aimed at helping a client improve some aspect of their life over which they are suffering or have symptoms such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse, an eating disorder, relationship problems and anger issues.  Therapy sessions are structured meetings between a licensed provider and a client with a goal of improving some aspect of their life. For more about my therapy practice, go to: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/marilyn-edelson-newton-ma/65226

Family Business Coaching

Business is hard and family relationships can be challenging. Mixing the two can be fraught with problems. Yet family legacy is the most natural way to pass down experience from one generation to the next.  What you don’t want to pass on are the conflicts, jealousies and resentments that tear family businesses apart. While there are a huge number of family businesses worldwide, did you know only 30% of family businesses survive to the second generation. We deal with the personal side of family business where things breakdown and leave the family’s financial and legal issues to those professionals, coordinating closely when indicated.

At the start, Marilyn helped me to clarify my vision for WeCan through conversation, analytic exercises and formal planning procedures. In our weekly coaching sessions, Marilyn helped me take stock so that my actions were focused and purposeful. As we worked together, Marilyn also trained and mentored me as a coach. I've used the technique to help clients, to get the best performance out of my staff and to generate new ideas for programs. The result is an inspired team that is humming with excitement and productivity. Accomplishing as much as we have in so little time would have been impossible without OnTrack and Marilyn’s coaching expertise.

Jacqueline Scarbrough, Founder
WeCan, Harwich, MA
WeCan is a 501C3 in its 24th year, providing free services to empower women on Cape Cod going through life transitions.

A busy mother of two young children and running a successful company, I was at my wits’ end and losing motivation for my business. Marilyn suggested we figure out what would get me back to loving my business. Through her thoughtful inquiry and patient listening, I reconnected to my vision and to an idea to expand the business in a market that really excited me. In a short time, we opened a new office in another city. The process of expanding the business brought back my energy, passion and excitement about the future of my company.

Patricia L McGoldrick
Immediate Connections Inc., Danvers, MA

I was so pleased with my personal experience of the Best Year Yet workshop for individuals I suggested it to my consulting practice. We've boosted our business to the next level and met 60% of our annual revenue goal just six months into the program. We could not be more pleased.

Bill Bennett
The McNeill Group

As a management team of a cost center which became a profit center over night, we knew that meeting our new, additional responsibilities to sell ourselves would require a fundamental change in approach. Throughout our Best Year Yet training and implementation, Marilyn delivered valuable knowledge, cajoling and cheerleading to the team as a whole. What truly differentiated Marilyn’s contribution was her willingness and ability to support diverse individual team members, one-on-one, to help them to rise to meet the challenges.

Michael Harris
Sanchez Computer Associates Inc.
Sanchez was bought by Fidelity Information Systems. Mike is now owner and CEO of DCG Software Value in Malvern, PA

Marilyn is fun-loving, non judgmental and in my mind, a perfect fit for women trying to navigate the rocky shoals of career, motherhood, errand-running, in-laws, housekeeping, volunteer work, aging parents, good citizenry as well as reclaiming a sense of self-calm. She is able to hone in precisely on the obstacles that keep people stuck. Womens’ lives, it seems to me, have gotten more complex, rather than less. Working with Marilyn has helped me regain a sense of humor, first and foremost, as well as clear away some overgrown brush to move forward on several long-held goals and dreams. The clearing has enriched all areas of my life.

Miranda Mancusi
Harvard University Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA

I want to tell you how grateful I am for your advice at the Massachusetts Conference for Women. You had some very pertinent tips on how to further my career, or rather how to reinvent myself as an editor and translator. Thank you for your time that day.

Wendy Foster
Gloucester, MA

OnTrack was instrumental in taking Birthday Wishes from concept to reality, and then from start-up to a vibrant, effective, organization with growth we never dreamed we could achieve. Birthday Wishes started out providing birthday parties to children in one shelter in Newton, MA in 2002, and today serves over 65 shelters in Eastern Massachusetts and Worcester. OnTrack helped us identify and achieve our goals and, most importantly, empowered us to keep moving forward.

Lisa Vasiloff, Co-founder and Executive Director
Birthday Wishes