by Marilyn Edelson | May 16, 2024
Ten years ago I held a monthly meeting with a small, amazing group of people I had been working with for over 5 years using the Best Year Yet model. The conversation turned to managing time (something most of us feel there is never enough of) and the notions of...
by Marilyn Edelson | May 10, 2024
Your “what for” is the background story about the passion, your deepest motivations and the inspiration behind why you do the work that you do, have your business and the people you serve. This is also known as your “compelling way,” or even your “compelling ‘why’.”...
by Marilyn Edelson | May 5, 2024
Every single last choice we make is based on our values. Whenever we decide between alternatives, we invariably choose the alternative what we value the most. Whether we acknowledge it or not, everything we do is a demonstration of what we consider most important at...